Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Moved

I moved. Which never sounds easy, but my move was from Seoul, Korea to Annapolis, Maryland. Stress does not even begin to describe my world over the last few weeks.

Now, I’m working on establishing my new life in a new place. I go house hunting tomorrow.

The sooner I find a place and settle down, the sooner I can get started working on the edits for the book. My editor has suggested some very reasonable and doable changes and I can hardly wait to dig in and start working on them.

Actually, the fact that she read the manuscript, had suggestions for changes, is scheduling time to “work” on the pages, was a validation I never expected EVER in my lifetime to have. This is that huge NY city muckity, muck editor I talked about before. I feel like, even if she wants changes, I’ve finally been officially dubbed, a writer. I’ll be working with an editor! I’ll be working hand in hand with her to improve the manuscript. The good thing is, at this point, I have little, to no ego to be hurt by her suggestions or desires. I think this is going to be great.

But first, I have to find a place to live. At least my timing is right. It is a buyers market…

Friday, October 03, 2008

The coolest video

I love this video. I've been so wrapped up in the debates and the election coverage and the financial bailout and just the news in general. I’m not sure why. Maybe because it sort of feels like I’m watching a train wreck.

If the bail out bill didn’t pass … train wreck. The whole Palin/Biden debate … possible train wreck. If we elect the wrong guy … the one just like the one we have now … train wreck! I watch and read everything I can get my hands on because it’s exciting and interesting and dangerous and more than likely, will look away right before the crash if it were to happen. There’s no question though, that these are important times for the future of our country.
That’s why I think this video is so cool. Its all about the vote.