Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Furry friends and inspiration

Okay, so I have a soft spot for a furry animal. He looks mean and he can be if his bowl is empty, but most of the time he's just a big softy.

What he hates is to see me writing. He climbs in my lap, whines, rubs against me knocking my fingers off the keyboard. He's just a big, spoiled, knucklehead.

On the other hand, he's pretty darn cute.


dronkmunk said...

Wow site looks really good. How did you get the header to look like that? Part of the template? Yes sometimes i do have trouble publishing on here. It can be frustrating but I think it is just at times that the site is down

M. L. Doyle said...

Its the template. I want to change the image behind the header at some point when I have time.

I had to change it so it didn't look so much like yours!

dronkmunk said...

ha yeah, we have been talking about getting a different header image, but I looked it up and it seems like you need photoshop or some photo-edit program like that

M. L. Doyle said...

More complicated then I thought. That's not unusual. If i figure it out, I'll let you know. Promise to do the same. K?

dronkmunk said...


Anonymous said...

Hi, I can’t understand how to add your site in my rss reader. Can you Help me, please :)