Friday, September 11, 2009

What Success Looks Like!

I’m pretty sure this is what writing success looks like. You haven't heard of her yet, but you may very soon. This is Tracy Kiely, a talented Maryland native who has finally seen the culmination of her hard work appear in hardcover and on the front aisles of your neighborhood book store. Tracy's first novel, Murder at Longbourn is now in stores. I simply had to attend her first book signing at the Barnes and Noble at Annapolis Harbor Mall and I have to say, I was a bit surprised at the number of people there. Folks in Annapolis know how to support one of their own!

Tracy and I participated in a writing group a couple of years ago. I was working on my first novel. Tracy was looking for input on her second book. At the time, she was looking for an agent, looking for a publisher and it was easy to see that sooner or later, someone would figure out that her work was worthy of publication. Once she finally found an agent, it only took about three weeks before St. Martin’s Press, one of the biggies in publishing, wrote her a two-book contract. WAY TO GO TRACY!

Her writing is witty, sharp and entirely entertaining. If you like an Agatha Christie type murder mystery, you’ll enjoy this book. And for those Jane Austin fans out there, you’ll love the books too. You’ll find all kinds of ties to Pride and Prejudice in Murder at Longbourn. It’s tons of fun.
And when you buy your copy, take a look at the acknowledgements! It’s the first time EVER yours truly has been mentioned in one of those. Makes me blush!

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